A variety of membership levels are available to serve your needs. Becoming a member of the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association means you are not only nurturing your own interests, but helping to ensure that the bluegrass and old-time music tradition grows in Minnesota.
As a member, you'll receive discounted prices on admission to events and merchandise as well as a subscription to our monthly magazine, Minnesota Bluegrass. Click here for a sample issue!
To join online, please complete the form below or if you'd prefer, you can download the Membership Form and mail it in.
**If you pay by credit card, your account will be set to automatic recurring payments but you can disable this or ask the office to disable it at info@minnesotabluegrass.org
If you're not ready to join, and just want to be notified of events
Membership LevelsIndividual - $35.00 (USD)Benefits
Family - $50.00 (USD) Benefits
Band - $75.00 (USD)Benefits
| Gift MembershipsGive the gift of a year of Bluegrass & Old-Time Music! Click one of the links below to purchase for a friend or family member. When completing the form, enter YOUR information in the BILLING area, and the RECIPIENT's information in the SHIPPING area. Or give us a call at 612-216-8624 to complete your order offline. |
Bronze - $100.00 (USD) Benefits
Gold - $500.00 (USD)Benefits
| Silver - $150.00 (USD)Benefits
Platinum - $1,000.00 (USD)Benefits
Membership FormTo join, please choose a membership level, then click "Next." Or give us a call at 612-216-8624. Thank you! |